Betsy Greer is someone I admire. We think along very similar lines and throw emails back and forth about craft's role in people's lives. It's good to have someone like that to bounce ideas around with.
Betsy has just published the book Knitting for Good: A guide to creating personal, social and political change stitch by stitch. And I have a teeny weeny 1.5 page contribution in there (pp27-29 if you're interested)
So congratualtions to Betsy for her new book, and woohoo it's so exciting to be in a book! Thanks Betsy. It's available from Amazon here (UK version)
She very kindly posted me a copy, along with the brochure for the Craftivism exhibition curated by Faythe Levine.
So lots of reading to keep me going. It was a good post day!