I know, my last post featured Christmas trees which shows how neglected my blog has been. I'm sorry, I know it's a) rubbish and b) bad blog etiquette. Truth is I've been so laden down with other things I have had to overlook it for a while.
The good news is I've freed up some time to call my own again so I should be back on track soon. And to prove it I've been making again.
I can't say much more as it's a secret for now, but it's been a lovely chance to be creative and try a few new things.
And it's meant I've had time to buy yet more fabric. Gorgeous huh?
Stick with me, I'll be back in the flow soon. Oh, and if you did want to know what I'm up to on a much more regular basis I do hang out *here* quite a lot and actually *this* is me too