As a little something different, and worthwhile, I'm packing up Bluebell here and sending her off to a new home.
She'll be winging it down to Jennifer's Make Lounge to join the *Blooming Great Tea Party*. On July 18th, in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care the Make Lounge will be hosting all manner of good stuff including a raffle with some amazing prizes. Bluebell will be one of them.
She'll be in good company, joined by, to name a few...
A Janome breast cancer care sewing machine
Acrylic scissor necklace by Mockinghorse
Lisa Stickley's Made at Home and Cath Kidtson's Sew books from Qaudrille
A batch of screen printed goodies from HeartZeena
A groovy clock from HunkyDoryHome
A private yoga class
A frankly adorable pinny from my lovely friends at HisforHome
A year's subscription to Sew Hip magazine
A limited edition handmade artist's book by Louloulovesbooks
Phew! And the list is still growing I do believe.
Do drop by if you're in or near London. A fiver for a cuppa, cake and good times is practically nothing, especially given the cause.
Though if you can't make it do feel free to hold your own Blooming Great Tea Party, anytime from June 12th to July 12th. More details *here*