I just can't wait to see the exhibition Lost in Lace, a partnership between Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, and the Crafts Council. It won't open until October, then it runs through to February next year.
Birmingham's website says it will be "an ambitious exhibition featuring twenty international artists, designers and makers who will explore the relationship between textiles, specifically lace, and architecture through site-specific installations"
You'll see on the website it will be held in the museum's Gas Hall. For me that's as much the thrill as the craft content, it's an incredible airy, atmospheric hall that gives such a special feeling just walking through it. I know the combination of the exhibition and the space will be incredible.
Luckily I'm working with Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery for the next couple of years so there's every chance I'll be there when it's on.
Image: Moucharabieh + Jardin de lit, lit de jardin by Annie Bascoul