QR-3D invites you, whoever you are, wherever you are, to create a QR code* in textiles form. Any kind of textiles, any size. As long as its three-dimensional that's all that counts.
Simply make your textile QR code : share it on Flickr here : and wait to see if your work is selected as an exhibit in the QR-3D show.
Everything you need to know is on the QR-3D website just *here*
And if you haven't tinkered with textiles before but appreciated the techy side of life then maybe this will inspire you to respond and find your inner stitcher (it's really very easy, I promise).
I'm very excited about this project (yes, it's one of mine, commissioned by Cornerhouse). Do join in I'd be so pleased to see what you can come up with.
*What's a QR code I hear some of you cry? Well Wiki will give you the full lowdown, but suffice to say it's one of those above, a visual code that hides information in it, and when scanned with a code reader (you can download them for your phone) it takes you to a website or a piece of text. So that when you see one out and about the theory is, it's easier just to whip out your phone and point it at it, than trying to remember or scribble down a long winded url.
Image: Pichu71: see QR-3D gallery for more details